Friday, June 25, 2010

Breaking Bad.

I haven't posted recently and I have to remember that this blog is one of the things that is keeping me accountable.

I have been exercising every single day for the last two weeks, with the exception of one day, which was a self-imposed break (read: too lazy, and I wound up feeling really guilty about it,)

One of the things Kathy mentioned in an earlier entry was that when you exercise, it speeds up the metabolism, and makes you feel hungrier. No doubt! For the last week, all I have wanted to do was eat. Pretty sure that it is also hormonal, but at any rate, I feel like it is sabotaging some of my exercise efforts, and I would be losing a bit more weight if I could just exercise a bit of self- control.

I have also been weighing in every day, and I am putting a stop to that. I feel like the daily fluctuations in my weight, due to water, or whatever, are not doing me any favors to see. To some extent I feel like the numbers can be discouraging--especially in relation to how hard I feel like I am working.


  1. Breaking bad, huh? Is there some kind of secret drug lab we should know about? ;P You're doing great! Don't be in such a rush. You'll get there, but you gotta pace yourself so you don't burn out.

    Resting one day of the week is fine, Dani! It gives your body a chance to build muscle up so you can look toned. If you're working out every freakin' day, switch up the emphasis on different muscle groups you work out so they have a chance to repair themselves the next day (repairing muscles = using up calories).

    Don't look at your hunger as a bad thing. And don't blame any of your hormones for your progress. What you are actually experiencing are the fruits of your labor! If you're hungry, go for a huge salad with your dressing on the side for dainty dipping. Or a bowl of fresh strawberries with a dollop of nonfat vanilla yogurt, sprinkled with dark chocolate shavings.

    Thumbs up on the weighing thingy. Gauge it with how your clothes fit. My friend went from 190 to 135. She had jeans from various stages in her life that she tried on occasionally. I think that's a much better reward than obsessing over a scale too much.

  2. Sound to me like you are doing awsome Dani. Screw the scale if it's freaking you out.
    Go strictly on how you feel. You'll know by how your clothes are fitting you.
