Thursday, June 10, 2010

Four Days.

It has been four days since I began what I hope to be the reinvention of my overall health, and things feel like they are moving along at a fairly smooth pace. I always feel like when I let people (read: family) in on my plans for a new me (the dozens of times I have decided to lose weight) it winds up being the direct route to instant sabotage, and I am not sure why that happens. I have failed at this so many times that it will take time for me to strip away the layers, have that epiphany I have been waiting for, and to understand why I am not succeeding.

I have to say that this blog has created an instant form of accountability and honesty for me that I’m pretty sure I haven’t delved into prior to now; It has created a vehicle for me that drives me away from the pain, and the numbness, caused by my self-image. I feel like I can be truthful and frank about what I am going through and not be judged, and I love that you all, based on what I am reading feel the same way.


  1. I too am on day four since my weigh in was on Tuesday. So far so good. I have chosen not to deprive myself. My son wants chocolate chip cookies so I purcahsed the tub of cookie dough so I can make just what I need to for him on a particular day and knowing full well that I will crave them after making them, I have allowed myself to make myself two small cookies (no bigger around than my thumb touching my middle finger, and work out a little longer; either walking an additional 15 minutes or doing 15 more minutes of yoga or pilates If I don't do this, I will simply eat the entire bucket of cookie dough.

  2. Hey, Shelley, what kind of cookie dough did you use? Do you have the time to make the dough yourself? That way you can control what's in it and you can make it using oatmeal, less sugar/butter, more apple sauce, and all organic ingredients. You should be able to cut the calories down by about 30% = bigger cookies for you! Best of all, you can make it with your son and have fun. I do love your decision not to deprive yourself and you're making extra commitments to exercise a little longer.
